Jara Tapiador Guarga
- Physiotherapist n.col 3927 CFC.
- Osteopath C.O. for the “School of Osteopathy of Madrid”, E.O.
- Master’s degree in Manual Osteopathic Physical Physiotherapy at the “University of Zaragoza”.
- Osteopathic Specialization in Pediatrics. E.O.M.
- Osteopathic specialization in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Post-part. Barcelona Osteopathy School E.O.B.
- Training in Obstetric Physiotherapy. Pregnancy and part. Preparation for motherhood.
- Specialist in Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction – Travell & Simons n.467 of the CFC Dry Puncture Registry.
- Specialization in physiotherapy in lower extremity (foot and knee), and three-dimensional postural reeducation.
Nando Castro Villellas
- Physiotherapist n.col. 1827 CFC.
- Acupuncture n.127 of the Acupuncture Registry of the CFC.
- Senior Technician in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
- Postgraduate in sports physiotherapy.
- Full training at Mc Connell Concept.
- Specialist in integral shoulder treatment. Ann Cools Method and “Global Mood of the Therapy”.
- Format in Integral Posturology and Mézières.
Natàlia Camps Cases
- Collegiate health psychologist no. 15,912
- Expert in Perinatal Mental Health certified by Terra Mater, Madrid.
- Certified in Breastfeeding and Mental Health (65h) by the International Institute for Perinatal Mental Health
- Master’s in Clinical and Health Psychology, own title Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona
- Infant Massage Educator certified by the Spanish Association of Infant Massage
Joaquim Jareño Vicens
- Physiotherapist nº col. 12079 CFCs.
- Osteopath C.O. by the “Escuela de Osteopatía de Madrid”, E.O.M.
- Master in Osteopathy of Neuromusculoskeletal Dysfunctions at the Escuela de Osteopatía de Madrid, E.O.M.
- Training in clinical tests for the differential diagnosis of Chad
Núria Saperas Riera
- Physiotherapist no. col. 8358 CFCs.
- Osteopath D.O. Graduated in osteopathy from the “Conservatoire Supérieur de Ostéopathie” in Toulouse.
- Specialist in pediatrics, frenectomies and perinatal care in France and Spain.
- Trained in pediatric and adult respiratory physiotherapy.
- Trained in posturology.
- Trained in chrononutrition and micronutrition.